Where did this ‘masculinity’ come from?


会期|DATE:2024 10.5 SAT - 10.27 SUN
入場|FEE:有料|Paid Ticket Required
時間|TIME : 12:00-19:30(最終入場19時まで Last entry is at 19:00)
会期中無休  opens every day

©Keijiro Kai

「New Japanese Photography」展は、企画者・出展作家ともに男性のみによって構成されました。本展覧会は、写真のコミュニティのみならず、メディアや日本社会全体に通底する男性中心主義的価値観・ホモソーシャル性に焦点を合わせ、写真作品と映像作品、広告や広報など公共のイメージに表象される男性のイメージを通して、ジェンダーにまつわる規範的な価値観の中でも、とくに「男らしさ」とは何かを戦後社会の変遷に照らし、批評的な観点から検証します。個人所蔵のスクラップブックやポストカード、雑誌や書籍などを通覧する資料展示も行います。

The “New Japanese Photography” exhibition was organized solely around men, including the developers and exhibiting artists. This exhibition takes a particular look at what ‘masculinity’ is from a critical standpoint in light of changes in postwar society within normative values associated with gender through male images represented in public images, such as photographic works, video works, advertising, and public information, together with a focus on the androcentric values and homosociality pervading media and all of Japanese society, in addition to the photography community. There will also be an exhibit of materials that looks at private scrapbooks and postcards, magazines, and books.





小林 美香|KOBAYASHI Mika

写真・ジェンダー表象研究。国内外の各種学校/機関、企業で写真やジェンダー表象に関するレクチャー、ワークショップ、研修講座、展覧会を企画、雑誌やウェブメディアに寄稿するなど執筆や翻訳に取り組む。近著に『ジェンダー目線の広告観察』(現代書館 2023)現在、アメリカの漫画家マイア・コベイブ(Maia Kobabe)の『ジェンダー・クィア』の日本語版出版を準備中(2024年夏刊行予定)。News Picksのトピックオーナーとして「ジェンダー目線の広告観察:その「らしさ」はどこから来たの?」を連載中

Kobayashi Mika researches photographs and gender representations. Their work involves planning lectures, workshops, training courses, and exhibitions at various schools/institutions and companies both in Japan and abroad, writing for magazines and online media, and translation. Their most recent publication is Jendaa Mesen no Kokoku Kansatsu (Viewing Advertising from Gender Perspectives; Gendai Shokan, 2023). Currently, they are preparing a Japanese edition of Gender Queer by the American cartoonist, Maia Kobabe (scheduled for publication in summer 2024). As a writer with a platform on News Picks, they are writing the series, “Jendaa Mesen no Kokoku Kansatsu: Sono ‘rashisa’ wa doko kara kita no?” (Viewing Advertising from Gender Perspectives: Where did that gender representation come from?).

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