Luminescence Land

会期|DATE :2024 10.5 SAT - 10.27 SUN
Yaesu 1-chome East Area temporary construction enclosure 

八重洲仲通りの仮囲いに展示される遠藤文香の作品「Luminescence Land / 発光地帯」は、岩手県の遠野を舞台に撮影されています。そこで遠藤が眼差しを向けたのは、蹄鉄も打たれず、手綱も付けられていない、まるで自然の中で暮らしているかのように自由に高原の中を動き回る馬たちの姿でした。写真によって遠野から八重洲の街に放たれる非現実的な風景をご覧ください。

Endo Ayaka’s series Luminescence Land, exhibited on the temporary walls of Yaesu Nakadori, was photographed in the mountains surrounding the city of Tono in northern Japan.  She found herself drawn to the horses of the nearby highlands. Unbound by reins or horseshoes, they roam the hills and mountains of Tono in perfect harmony with nature. Through her photographs, Endo transports the wild horses of Tono's mountains to the walls of Yaesu in the heart of Tokyo. How will our imagination respond when the world of myths suddenly appears in our everyday lives?



遠藤文香|ENDO Ayaka

1994年生まれ。 2021年東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科デザイン専攻修了。主に自然や家畜動物をモチーフに、自然と人間の関係性や境界線を探求し、撮影する行為を通して対象との繋がりや親密さをアニミズム的自然観によって表現している。主な個展に「when I see you, you are luminous」(Tokyo International Gallery, 東京)など。

Endo Ayaka (b. 1994) received her master's degree in design from the Graduate School of Fine Arts at Tokyo University of the Arts in 2021. Focusing on subjects such as domesticated animals, she explores the boundaries between humankind and nature. For Endo, photography is an expression of her connection and intimacy with her subjects, based on an animistic view of nature. Her major solo exhibitions include when I see you, you are luminous (Tokyo International Gallery, Tokyo).



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