New Japanese Photography in New Light
東京建物日本橋ビル(平日 7:00-20:00、土祝 8:00-17:00)
東京建物八重洲ビル(平日 7:00-20:00)
国立映画アーカイブ(11:00-18:30 <最終入場18:00まで、月曜休館>
Tokyo Tatemono Nihonbashi Bldg. (Weekday 7:00-20:00、Holiday 8:00-17:00)
Tokyo Tatemono Yaesu Bldg.
National Film Archive of Japan(11:00-18:30 < Last entry is at 18:00, Closed on Mondays >)
Tokyo Tatemono Yaesu Nakadori Bldg. (1-4-10, yaesu) (24 hours)
Sandra S. Phillips, Curator Emerita of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, has played a pivotal role in introducing Japanese photography to the world and has continually created new opportunities for Japanese photographers to gain international recognition. She first became interested in Japanese photography through the 1974 exhibition New Japanese Photography, organized by John Szarkowski, then director of the photography department at MoMA, and Shoji Yamagashi, editor of the Japanese magazine Camera Mainichi. In an interview, Phillips later said that the exhibition had a profound and lasting impact on her, even though she did not fully grasp the significance of postwar Japanese photography at the time. In this exhibition, we present works by the fifteen Japanese photographers who participated in the 1974 exhibition, selected by Sandra S. Phillips fifty years later. The photographs are displayed in innovative ways that combine them with Japanese craft traditions such as ceramics, carpets, and unique printing techniques. We hope you will enjoy this special opportunity to experience the atmosphere of the 1974 exhibition as well as a contemporary exploration of the possibilities of photography.
サンフランシスコ近代美術館 写真部門名誉キュレーター。1987年よりサンフランシスコ近代美術館に勤務。 1999年にシニアキュレーター、2017年に名誉キュレーターに就任。これまでに数多くの近現代の写真展を手掛け高い評価を受ける。 主な写真展に「ダイアン・アーバス-リベレーションズ」、「ヘレン・レヴィット」、「ドロシア・ラング-アメリカン・フォトグラフス」、 「森山大道-ストレイ・ドッグ」、「警察写真-証拠としての写真」、「セバスチャン・サルガド-不確かな恩寵」など。 ニューヨーク市立大学で博士号、ブリンマー大学で文学修士号、バード大学で文学士号を取得。 また、講師としてニューヨーク州立大学ニューパルツ校、パーソンズ・スクール・オブ・デザイン、サンフランシスコ州立大学、 サンフランシスコ・アート・インスティチュートなどの教育機関で教鞭を執ってきた。アメリカン・アカデミー・イン・ローマの レジデントを務めた経験があり、2000年に国際交流基金の助成金を獲得している。
Sandra S. Phillips is Curator Emerita of Photography at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. She has been with the museum since 1987 and assumed the position of Senior Curator in 1999. In 2017 she assumed the position of Curator Emerita. Phillips has organized numerous critically acclaimed exhibitions of modern and contemporary photography including Exposed: Voyeurism, Surveillance and the Camera Since 1870, Diane Arbus Revelations, Helen Levitt, Dorothea Lange: American Photographs, Daido Moriyama: Stray Dog, Crossing the Frontier: Photographs of the Developing West, Police Pictures: The Photograph as Evidence and An Uncertain Grace: Sebastião Salgado. She holds degrees from the City University of New York (Ph.D.), Bryn Mawr College (M.A.), and Bard College (B.A.). Phillips was previously curator at the Vassar College Art Museum, and has taught at various institutions including the State University of New York, New Paltz; Parsons School of Design; San Francisco State University; and the San Francisco Art Institute. She was a Resident at the American Academy in Rome and received a grant from The Japan Foundation in 2000.