Tokyo Dialogue 2024
会期|DATE :2024 10/5 SAT - 10/27 SUN
会場|VENUE:TODA BUILDING 工事仮囲 西・北面(東京都中央区京橋1-7-1)
Toda Building temporary construction enclosure (west/north side), 1-7-1 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Tokyo Dialogue 2024 is the final year of the three-year project, Tokyo Dialogue 2022-2024. It is being jointly implemented by T3 PHOTO FESTIVAL TOKYO and TODA CORPORATION, which has had its head office in Kyobashi, Tokyo for over 120 years. Every year, photographers and writers team up to create a “dialogue” set in Kyobashi through photos and words. The scene that began with the TODA BUILDING construction site 25 m. underground at the start of the project in 2022 has now reached a height that soars to the sky. In November 2024, the building will at last open as a new site for art and culture in Kyobashi. Through photos and words that move between the years, this project depicts a city continuously transforming from past to present and into the future.
写真を中心とする展覧会のキュレーションや、コーディネート、執筆を中心に、日本と世界をつなぐ様々なフィールドで活動している。2015年東京国際写真祭、2017年T3 Photo Festivalにて展覧会キュレーション。2015年より国際写真賞「Prix Pictet」東京巡回展のコーディネート及びキュレーション、『Tokyo Dialogue2022-2024』キュレーションを担当。日本大学芸術学部写真学科非常勤講師。
She works in a variety of fields connecting Japan and the world with a focus on curating exhibitions centering on photography, coordinating, and writing. She curated exhibitions for the 2015 T3 Photo Festival Tokyo and 2017 T3 Photo Festival. Since 2015, she has coordinated and curated the Tokyo traveling exhibition for the international photograph award for photography, Prix Pictet, and is curating Tokyo Dialogue 2022-2024. She is a part-time instructor in the Photography Course at Nihon University College of Art.