Tokyo Dialogue 2024

「Tokyo Dialogue 2024」は、東京・京橋に本社を構える戸田建設株式会社と、T3 PHOTO FESTIVAL TOKYOが共催し、2022年から2024年の3年間にわたって実施するプロジェクトです。写真家と書き手がペアとなり、京橋を舞台に「写真」と「言葉」による“対話”を通して、土地の歴史や変わりゆく街や人々の風景を様々な観点から自由に解釈し、変わりゆく都市の姿を描き出します。作品は、建設中の戸田建設株式会社の新しいビル、TODABUILDINGの仮囲で展示します。また、本プロジェクトに向けて制作された作品を収録した作品集を制作します。

Tokyo Dialogue 2024 is being co-organized by T3 PHOTO FESTIVAL TOKYO and TODA CORPORATION, which has its head office in Kyobashi, Tokyo. It is a project being carried out over three years, from 2022 to 2024. With Kyobashi as its stage, photographers and writers form pairs and conduct a “dialogue” through photos and words, freely interpreting the history of the location and changing scenery of the area and people from various perspectives to depict the ever-changing city. The creations are being displayed on the temporary enclosure around TODA BUILDING, TODA CORPORATION’s new building that is under construction. In addition, a collection documenting the creations made for this project is being produced.
